Following up on
Aduhi's tag with gusto. Here's my list of the ten things I love about men and if you know of a guy where all of these ten qualities come together in divine splendor, please get me his number :)
1. Nice hands with clean nails (Aduh, I swear I'm not copying from you!). I want his hands to look like an intellectual's even if he's a monkey wrench by profession.
2. I don't like it when a man yaps more than a woman. Which is really unfair of me I guess, being such a talker myself. Maybe when it's just the two of us it's fine, but if we're in a group and I look across the table at a yakkity-yakking man, that's not something that's going to make me burn for him.
3. I'd love it if he loves animals as much as I do so we can happily watch Animal Planet together :) And if he could share my passion for dogs, he'd be God in my eyes but even if he doesn't, I don't want him to put 'food' and 'dogs' in the same category.
4. Funny is a must. Not just in the 'make me laugh' way, but I want to see him doubling up with laughter at my little inane jokes.
5. Hearty appetite's important too. There is something uber sexy about a man eating food, lots of it. (And you also know all that food's going to be converted into energy ;-))
6. A man obsessed with fashion and excessive personal grooming is very off-putting for me. I don't want my man to smell more feminine than I do, or his hair has more highlights than mine, or more mousse, you know, the works. I'm including this here because there's so many of these types these days, damn those beauty mags madly promoting the metrosexual male!@
7. A certain degree of intelligence. Doesn't necessarily have to be 'educated' with fancy degrees but just possesses some natural smarts. Dumb is not sexy.
8. I think I've fallen in love with men just for the beauty of the words that come out of their mouths so yeah, I don't like it but I'm an absolute sucker for clever little wordsmiths.
9. Harworking. It's not like I expect him to do the laundry or cook or anything, but I want him to walk into his office and put everyone to shame. Lazy men who can just sleep all day and night - a very big NO!
10. Middle eastern accents :D There. I said it. You can stone me now.