Hi everyone. Not to sound like a loser, but I'm kind of homesick, well just a little, but yeah, I can't wait to be home. I can't wait for it to be Christmas and I'm home and I can "ruai theh" - the true, indigenous, tribal way.
That doesn't mean that I don't like it here. I love the office and the people. I love the city, how clean and how beautiful everything is. But, it seems to me that Sydney is a very slippery city. Yeah, slippery. In the literal sense. I'm not graceful really, but I have never been a klutz either. I don't even remember the last time I slipped and fell. That is, before I came to Sydney. Then Sydney happened, and I've had several ground-encounters already.
The last time I fell, I fell pretty hard. I had been dreaming about falling hard, but not this kind of falling hard. Anyway, this may be gross, but I took a picture anyway, since the last time I got something like this was when I was 8 maybe ? :-)

Friday night, we were a little bored eating in restaurants in the same street, so we decided to have a nice girls' night out. Got all dolled up, hailed a taxi and ventured out to the deeper recesses of the city. It was fun, had a great time, then a taxi took us home. An almost perfect night...but when I stepped out of the cab, something went very wrong, so that my knees touched the ground faster than my feet did. And there I was, splat on the pavement in the middle of a busy street, in my little black dress and my high heels, knees badly scraped and bleeding, then I think what people call 'zoning out' happened to me. It was too embarrassing to even be embarrassing, if you know what I mean. Now I have an ugly big bruise on my knee which hopefully will remind me to watch my steps, and hopefully will also be the last of its kind here.
And now, the things I love - the beaches mostly. This one is Bondi (Jinx, per your recommendations :-))

I love the beaches, and I can sit there the whole day and still never get over how clean and pure the air and the water is. Bliss for my lungs, and I now smoke like maybe only one cigarette a day.
One reason I like going to the beaches are the ferry rides and other boat rides I can take to go there. To be on a boat, with the clear blue sky overhead, and the pristine blue waters, and the wind on my face...***sigh*** Moments like those, it's almost possible to believe that I've never known sadness. One of our ferry rides -

I was in Bondi the whole day yesterday. There was this 'Sculpture By The Sea' thing going on. I don't care much for sculpture, but yesterday's was pretty interesting even for artistically-demented citizens like me. I thought this one was pretty cool -

I admire their genius and deep thinking and all that, but I'll never pay $8000 for something like this, even if I had more money than I know what to do with. Well, whatever amount I'm supposed to pay for them, I just wouldn't want to buy them at all.
But I found something I could genuinely appreciate (...but sadly couldn't buy. Life always works that way doesn't it?) -

Yep. Skateboarders. Skateboarding is the only sport that I've been able to watch for hours without dying of boredom. And to watch it live was absolutely thrilling. (I hope it's okay to use their pictures, the world is so frigging testy about privacy and copyright and all that crap nowadays I'm afraid to do what would have been perfectly okay during the Stone Age :P).

They were so good, me and my friend stopped at the rink and didn't move for several hours, and hardly even talked.We just stood and watched and sighed. There was this one guy who was really good (not in picture), and my friend would show signs of glee every time he'd come on, then after watching him for a while, she dreamily said out of the blue - "I think I'm partly in love with him.." Yeah me too, I think I want a skateboarder, not a sculpture :P
Now for the depressing part - this is me and Seva, doing the first thing we always do the moment we step in -

That's green tea ice cream on my hand, and ginger beer on hers. Shameless really, cos' we get depressed when our clothes don't fit us the way we want them to, yet gorging on ice-cream. But I have fallen in love with green tea ice cream. The thought of coming back to a green-tea-ice-cream-less-India is, in fact, a little disturbing...