26 February 2006

Not All That Cool

I am nerdier than 17% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

My Score Summary

Overall, you scored as follows:
83% scored higher (more nerdy), and
17% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Not nerdy, but then again maybe not all that cool either.

I would've preferred being just plain nerdy than 'not all that cool', tests results never come out the way I want them to *sigh*


Zork said...

Whoa!!! You are underarrest; You've the right to remain silent, anything you say will be used against you in the court of outlaws... Get a bong LOL!!! Ty for being a regular You can see there's a lot of change in my place Its gotta get better and more interesting...So rock on.

virgochhas said...

94% scored higher (more nerdy), and
6% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Definitely not nerdy, you are probably cool.

akekekekekkekke..... is dat wat u want... akekkekekkekekke :P :D